Ecola State Park
Ecola State Park is near Cannon Beach. It is accessible 7 days a week and provides a beautiful view of Haystack Rock. Flying is best on low-wind days.
Location summary:
City: Cannon Beach, Oregon
Skill level: Advanced
Wind: South , Southwest
Access: The entire week, Monday through Sunday
Landing area quality: Grass, but approach is a dead-end due to trees. Landing zone might e occupied with sightseers or picnic tables. Landing zone is remote from launching/flying area.
Hazards in the area: Ocean, curious seagulls, spectators
Directions to the site: (45.91823752305134, -123.9753940947241)
Hwy 26 W from Portland.
Hwy 101 South towards Cannon Beach.
Turn right at Ecola State Park sign, follow signs to the park.
Pay a day-use fee, or better yet, get a year-round pass good for any State park.
Park in the 1st area on the left, don't go to Indian Beach unless there is no wind, and you brought your surfboard and your wetsuit.
Site review:
I fly here a lot because it is so convenient when we go to the Coast from Portland. The flying is right out over the water, so you better be absolutely sure that you have enough lift. The seagulls will show you where the lift is.
This place has a beautiful view of Haystack Rock. You will get a few strange looks from the tourists as you fling your glider over the hand-rail at the top of the cliff, right over the ocean. The flying here is great out front, over the ocean, but the trees behind don't allow a back-of-the-hill pass like some slope sites. When you are finished flying, you have to walk a ways back to the landing zone, maybe warn some spectators not to get in the way, and make a 1-time-only approach through some turbulent air.
I highly recommend flying either on low-wind days with a HLG or other light plane, or a plane with flaps and/or Crow. A hot sloper without landing devices won't work well here.
Description provided courtesy of Pat Chewning.