Chehalem Mountain
Chehalem Mountain is located North of Newberg. It has lots of wind in the winter and trees limit the ability to make close passes. Not a great hill, but close to home.
Location summary:
City: Newberg, Oregon
Skill level: Intermediate
Wind: South
Access: The entire week, Monday through Sunday
Landing area quality: The landing zone is across the street from the flying area, cross a barbed-wire fence, one approach only due to telephone lines and barbed-wire fence
Hazards: Trees, barbed-wire fences, horses
Directions to the site: (45.355139634833954, -122.99755538344951)
North of Newberg or South of Hillsboro on Hwy 219.
Take Mountaintop Road West for about 1.5 miles.
Site is just West of the antennae farm.
Site review:
Lots of wind in the winter from S or SW. Hang-gliders on occasion. Trees limit the ability to make close passes. Not a great hill, but close to home.
Description provided courtesy of Pat Chewning.